Delivering Quality Audit Reports

At the conclusion of an audit, the internal audit team presents its findings to the activity under review. These findings are typically communicated as part of an internal audit report.

The internal audit report should reflect the quality and efforts of the audit work performed. This course reviews some basic best practices, American English grammar rules, and sentence structure rules. Note: if you are writing in another language, the general rules will apply, however, the specifics may not.

This course provides an overview of best practices and strategies for internal audit reports.

SKU: 1010.LMS.LM01.0094.01.01
Your price: $59.00

Who will benefit from this course?

This course intends to provide an overview of the best practices and strategies for internal audit report writing. This course will benefit internal auditors seeking an overview of best practices and strategies for internal audit reports. 

Course Objectives

Identify best practices and strategies that ensure audit reports are accurate, objective, clear, concise, constructive, and complete.

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